Location of MGCP - In
S. Agata Bolognese, near Bologna, Italy. Other things worth mentioning in S. Agata
Bolognese aside from MGCP : - The
Lamborghini Automobili car factory. (Which explains the
bicycle...). My date of birth - On 26 October 19?? the Y2K bug may have been a dud, but my date-of-birth bug is for real... You can still guess my age from the picture, I'll only be more flattered by your guess with every day that goes by... at least until I replace the photo with a more recent one... My job (just follow the link... in italian only) My bicycle(s) -I have a Colnago Master (vintage 1989) road bike, and a Cannondale touring bike (this should say something about the bilingual character of this page). What else? Recently I've taken up sailing, a more suitable way (perhaps) to visit places like Croatia, the Greek Islands, Sardinia, Corsica and the Eolian Islands. Other travels with means... outside the scope of this site have included Spain, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Israel. In the highly improbable case that this
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